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School Catchments
School Catchments 2024/2025
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Now select the school catchment to view from this list:
School Catchment Areas
The information above shows the traditional primary, junior and secondary school(s) catchment area(s) that serve your address. These may not be the nearest schools to your address.
The traditional catchment areas for the city of Norwich are defined by being either North or South of the River Wensum. It is important to use
Norfolk Schools and Learning Providers - Schoolfinder
to find the nearest school to your home address and consider how places are allocated at each of the schools by referring to the school’s admissions policy.
Not all schools have a defined catchment area.
Please be aware that living within a school catchment area does not guarantee a place at that school (see Parents’ guide to admission to schools in Norfolk and
Norfolk Schools and Learning Providers - Schoolfinder
where details on the over-subscription rules which are used to prioritise applications at each school are provided). Some schools do not give priority to children living in the catchment area.
You can see schools in your local area by clicking “View on Map” and selecting Primary, Junior or Secondary.
The website uses Ordnance Survey data which accurately locates the vast majority of Norfolk properties. They are unable to provide a 100% guarantee so please discuss your situation with Norfolk’s Admissions Team if you believe the position is not as stated.
The Council is only responsible for school travel assistance if you are attending your nearest catchment school or nearest school and you meet the distance criteria. You may not be entitled to transport to all schools displayed for your area on the ‘View on Map’ screen. Please check with
Travelling to school or college - Norfolk County Council
for further school transport details.